Small's Farm Project History

Click here for PDF (Printable) Trail Map

Trailhead on Route 31N, (North Spencer/Hillsville Rd) just northeast of the intersection of Wire Village and Meadow Rd, in Spencer.

The trail is for foot traffic only, and may be impassable during periods of flooding. PLEASE FOLLOW THE TRAIL SIGNS AND STAY OFF OF THE FARM FIELDS!


There is room for 1-2 cars at the Trailhead Sign, on the edge of Route 31 just before the guard rail for the Sevenmile River Bridge. TAKE CAUTION, TRAFFIC IS FAST ON ROUTE 31.

An overflow parking area is across Route 31, over the bridge just before the entrance to Pine Grove Cemetery. WATCH FOR TRAFFIC WHEN CROSSING ROUTE 31.

Small Family Memorial Trail

In 2015, Small's Farm on Rte 31N at Wire Village Rd in Spencer became permanently protected farm land! CGLT worked with the Small family to secure a deeded Agricultural Preservation Restriction (jointly held by the Town of Spencer and the State of MA Dept of Agricultural Resources), enabling the Miczek family of Leicester's Breezy Gardens to purchase 76 acres of the prime farmland which they have leased for 36 years.

The Small Family also donated a strip of land along Sevenmile River and Turkey Hill Brook to CGLT to create the John Wesley Small and Eleanor Small Downey Memorial Riverside Trail.